Why You Need A Bubble Wall

There are an unlimited number of wall decor options available, whether you choose to shop online or at a local retailer. Decorating a home can be enjoyable, but also a little difficult. Especially when you consider all the options and different décor styles to choose from. No one wants to end up with buyer’s remorse and ultimately have to completely redecorate once they discover they don’t like the pieces they chose as much as they thought. That’s why we’ve put together a few reasons why we think everyone needs a bubble wall!

  • Sometimes, you have an incredibly large blank space on your wall that needs some decoration or a pop of color. Our horizontal bubble wall, the 500WM, is a large unit It sized 45” wide x 21” in height which makes it the perfect size for a large wall space.
  • They’re versatile! People generally think bubble walls only go with modern décor but that simply isn’t true. They actually work wonderfully in any environment.  Whether it be a rustic home, an industrial loft, or a chalet, our bubble walls will fit in perfectly.  
  • They’re surprisingly easy to maintain and care for. Especially when you compare them to most water features or an aquarium.  You will need to perform maintenance on your bubble wand to ensure even bubbling (once every few months in most cases).  Aside from that just top the water off and enjoy the show.
  • They’re unique! If you’re looking for a piece of art or wall decor that your friends and family likely have never seen before, this is it. Lots of people have never seen a bubble wall in person so it is sure to be a focal point in any space they’re placed in.

These are just a few of the reasons why we feel a bubble wall would make a fantastic piece of décor in your home or office.